Simply put, an anti-insect net is a light mesh used to block insects. lt is made from a plain-woven or knitted net, and it looks a little like curtains.
As it is a thin fabric, it allows sunlight to enter and doesn't block rain. The only ones that a mesh stops are insects.
Thanks to 100% polyethylene, mesh is strong and durable. Plus, it forms an effective barrier when installed over garden netting hoops.
Depending on the tissue's density, nets prevent pests' entry into greenhouses and hothouses. The size, of course.
depends on what the farm grows. Not all pests attack the same type of plants, affecting the kind of netting.
Nets for orchards and vineyards are 17 mesh in size, They protect the greenhouse from wasps, flies, and moths which is particularly valuable with table grapes.
Nets of 25 mesh are usually at the side opening of the greenhouse. This mesh type is the smallest size, preventing the tomato moth from entering the construction. The net must be buried at half a meter depth so the larvae won't get into the production space's interior.
Standard insect-proof nets for managing ventilation surfaces are 50 mesh in size. The material is UV-resistant and woven using the monofilament techniaue, They block the entrance of lice, thrips, whitefies, and leaf miners 40 mesh or 32 mesh uses optical and physical means of thrips control. lt is an excellent solution for growing peppers but also suitable for any other kind that is sensitive to thrips. The net is installed on the sides.
So, consider what type of protection your plants need before choosing which one to buy.